To say that email is prevalent in today's culture is an understatement. Emails can grant funding and emails
can take away funding. People are introduced by email and people break up via email. An email can
say "pleasure meeting you" or spend several pages discussing religion and ethics.
One thing is sure. People rely on their email and want to be able to check it regularly. When email isn't working,
people get stressed. In business, when email isn't working, progress grinds to a halt.
For something as relatively straightforward as email should be, lots of things can go wrong:
- people forget their password
- email accounts get hacked (use good passwords!)
- mail servers switch ports without informing their customers
- email data (e.g. Outlooks's PST files) gets corrupted
- Outlook decides that all your old emails must be redownloaded
- for every real email, you receive 20 spams
- every email program uses a different
(perhaps even secret and proprietary) storage format
- every webmail interface is different AND they keep modifying them
(OK, where's the SEND button today?)
Surprisingly, not many of these issues have easy fixes, but complex, pain-in-the-neck fixes do exist.
That's still better than leaving things broken.